003: Shimmer

The Black Swan Files Book 003

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The Award Winning Series Continues, and the Stakes Are Even Higher!

They took her family, her freedom, and her identity.
Now she’s taking them back!

At least…that was the plan.

Jocelyn thought she’d enjoy her first holidays since escaping Camp Holliwell. She has friends, people who are like family, an adoring boyfriend, and a dream to become a musician. But the choice between just a girl and a superhero soldier is tested to extremes.

Her brother is used as bait, her friend is kidnapped, and an army of test experiments is being trained and brainwashed by the government to be used against her and the country. Freedom, a family, a future, or even a “date night” seems impossible with the government’s constant oppression. Jocelyn’s own termination date haunts her but is nothing when faced with her little brother’s rapid deterioration and her desperate attempts to recover the stolen cure. Time is against her and more people are at risk because of her. Jocelyn struggles to know the right path to protect those she cares about while holding onto her humanity and her heart.

As this new generation of heroes forms, a previous generation, now known as The Underground, quietly rises to support the battle. Jocelyn, Georgie, Brittany, and Lena lead in unexpected ways, each using their unique gifts to bring truth, justice, and hope to all in need. But the fight for freedom is a long game in a country that has lost its voice, its integrity, and its dream. It will take everyone to bring it back. Though, it’s not always clear who is on their side.


Praise for The Black Swan Files

“Prepare to be dazzled and captivated by Tricia Cerrone’s extraordinary masterpiece, Shimmer. This literary gem takes readers on a heart-pounding rollercoaster adventure that will leave you begging for more.”  ~The Write Friends Book Reviews

“A thrilling adventure for all ages!”   ~USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Lynne Marshall

“This fast-paced adventure features a uniquely gifted young woman whose power is enhanced by the bonds of friendship.”  ~USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Maureen A. Miller

Other Books in the The Black Swan Files Series