Halloween Pet Cemetery Photos: A Celebration of Little Lives!
on October 31, 2015

It's Halloween, So Let's Celebrate the Little Spirits in Our Lives!
I’m not really into morbid stuff, though through age 22, I was an intensely addicted, horror film junkie. One night I was driving home, afraid of being attacked by zombies on a creepily empty road, when I realized there was something seriously wrong with me. Knowing I was much too imaginative to be driving like that, I put a halt to most of the scary movies, but I still love old cemeteries. I’m curious about the people and the stories, and relationships, and lives of those who were so “beloved”. This past summer, I was once again in a cemetery, taking pictures, wondering about the people who buried these “little spirits”. It was of course a pet cemetery, and it was a really…Read More