Break Down Walls

on November 6, 2023

Change the World One Brick at a Time

If you want to change the world, start with yourself. Only through learning to listen, ask questions, and genuinely understand each other better, can we develop the mutual respect that allows for openness and influence. With every conversation you are either adding bricks or taking away bricks, building walls or breaking down walls. Which is it going to be today? #listeningandlearning #listeningskills #changingminds#changingthegame #changingtheworld #changingthenarrative#understanding #communication #communicationskills#leadershipcommunication #leadershipskills #leadershipcoaching

8 Reasons To Be Nice To Your Mom and/or Dad When You’re 16

on July 17, 2023

Survival Tips for Teens

Let’s face it, teen years can be hard—on the parents that is. For teenagers, they get lots of new responsibilities and freedoms, and their parents are financing the fun. It really doesn’t get any better even if you have to take SATs. So teens, if your parents are decent people—you know, they don’t beat you, or lock you in the closet under the stairs—then let’s be real and give them a break. And if they’re not, this blog does not apply to you. Why you should consider being a more fun and engaging housemate… 1 – COMFORT: It just makes day-to-day life more pleasant for everyone. Be polite to them the way you would if they were a celebrity you…Read More

16 Things Girls Need To Know About Guys Before They Turn 16

on May 8, 2023

The 16 for 16 List

They want you to think they are funny and cool as well as athletic and hot. But they’ll take funny and cool if the rest is not in their cards…yet. They don’t care that much about makeup—on them or you, but a welcoming smile that makes them think they are funny, cool, athletic or hot goes a long way. They can’t express it but they want to be accepted as they are—just like you—even when they can’t accept themselves. If boys see you value yourself and your dreams they will secretly and sometimes openly admire you. Men love confidence in a woman. Boys respect confidence in a girl and are often drawn to her for it, but can’t explain why….Read More

Disappointments Are Defining Moments

on March 13, 2023

How to Handle Being Replaced or Overlooked on the Job

There are always going to be times in our lives when we lose a role on a team, a part in a play, or are replaced by new fresh blood—either at school, work, or at home. This is never an easy experience. It is an experience that can make you feel too old, too young, too inexperienced, inadequate, threatened, embarrassed, and even fearful of becoming irrelevant (and therefore you will lose your job, your partner will dump you, your children will abandon you, and you’ll become homeless and die alone). Yes, there are some who take it all the way to the bitter end. I don’t wish this on anyone. All those emotions are uncomfortable. And I know personally, I…Read More

The Boyfriend List for Girls

on December 5, 2022

35 Things To Put On Your Boyfriend List

Hey, I know everyone would like to have a great boyfriend, right? Well, it’s not as easy to find the good ones as you would think. And let’s be honest, it’s a waste of time drifting from guy to guy hoping he’ll be what you are looking for when, you don’t really know who you are and what you are looking for. That’s why I always recommend The Boyfriend List. It’s important to be clear about what you want and expect. And to make sure you’ve got it right, write it down and focus on it. Of course, whatever you want, make sure you can also give it back. You need to be awesome to attract the awesome guy, right? Unlike in…Read More