Dreams and Schemes for a Legendary Life

Do You Insult or Influence? Bully or Behave?

on March 13, 2017

What does your social media say about you?

Freedom of Speech is an American right, even if nothing we say is right. But what does it reveal about you? Is bad form your norm? Are you the new adult bully of social media? While I don’t think this is statistically true, it often feels like social media has manifested more bullies in the adult population than all the playgrounds in the last twenty years! As a writer, I’m acutely aware that words have power. Words can inspire, hurt, educate, encourage, curse, destroy, unite, divide, turn you off, pique your interest—and everything in between. Which will you do today? Because there’s been so much negativity from people on social media platforms, I took a break this past month from social…Read More

Five Ways to Responsibly Survive This Election Season

on October 11, 2016

5 Election Season Tactics

Every four years, since I can remember, elections come around and they seem to bring out the worst language, behavior, and attitudes in the American people. This election, most seem to agree, that whoever wins, the next President will not only be lacking in character and integrity, but the two contenders have been touted at the “worst two people in America”. Ouch! Well I don’t think they are the worst Americans, and I don’t think either one is going to press some red button and end the world, but still…where does that leave us? We are part of this process. We are one of the few nations with the freedom of an anonymous vote in a democratic system. We are…Read More

Combating Christmas Chaos: Overdoing Everything!

on December 6, 2015

How To Overcome Christmas Shopping Stress!

It’s the season to be jolly, not bursting out unexpectedly in tears from stress.  Yet, it’s the season that can put a lot of women over the top of their stress levels, especially moms. They will break down, with “I can’t do everything!” And it’s true. You can’t. So stop blaming everyone else, and stop trying to do everything! Look, I think we all realize at the heart of the outburst is an intense desire for a perfect Christmas: A.K.A. get your loved ones everything they want, make the home picture perfect, have lovely food to serve, and oh, yeah – let’s serve up a few extra surprises like a visit from Santa, or three extra people sleeping over, or the new…Read More

Writerly Wednesdays: So You Want To Write A Book!

on December 2, 2015

So You Want to Write a Book? I am often approached by people, who after discovering I write books, tell me they’ve been wanting to write a book too. Sound familiar? With the advent of self-publishing, it seems like everyone wants to write a book about as much as everyone wants to write a screenplay. “I started writing a book.” First, there are those, who think there’s big money in writing a book, and think it will be easy to get it published and that it would make a great movie. They’ve started something ages ago. When you ask how far along they are on their book, they might hem and haw a bit, and say only chapter one, or page five….Read More

Writerly Wednesdays: 5 Reasons to be Thankful for Writers!

on November 25, 2015

5 Reasons to be Thankful for Writers! Writers take us places we might never go on our own, and sometimes places no one could possibly go. Writers can give us the happy endings we need. Writers can inspire us to be better and give us dreams to which we can aspire. Writers make us think differently about our views, prejudices, and perceptions. Writers can help us escape from the worst moments in our own lives (and take us to a world where people are even more screwed!) Thank you to all my fellow writers, readers, dreamers, and schemers. Life is always better with a good book. Happy Thanksgiving! Tricia

Writerly Wednesdays: Your Voice vs. Voices

on November 18, 2015

Hearing voices

If you talk to an author, they will quite often chatter on about how writing is mostly listening – usually to the voices of characters in their head. It can sound a little on the crazy side, but if you choose to engage in a life of solitude at your desk, it can be really nice company. Don’t judge. Writers who hear voices are truly the lucky ones, because they can always sit down and get to work. The voices don’t really stop. But it does help to direct them in a productive manner via your imagination and say, “this is where we are right now”, then let them at it. Finding your voice Hearing voices, is not necessarily the same as finding your…Read More

Writerly Wednesdays: 10 Ways You Know You’re a Writer

on November 4, 2015

You Know You’re A Writer When by Adair Lara The following ten gems are from Adair Lara’s little book that sits on my shelf closest to my desk. Occasionally when I’m feeling out of sorts, a little weird, or have been caught talking to myself a little too much – I whip out this treasure, and remember that I’m not alone. Here are just ten of my favorites. There are so many more. If you’re not sure yet, if you’re a writer, you might pick up a copy. It also makes a great gift a writerly friend. You think of eavesdropping as research. You get a book idea while washing the dishes. Sometimes you think in an English accent. As…Read More

Halloween Pet Cemetery Photos: A Celebration of Little Lives!

on October 31, 2015

It's Halloween, So Let's Celebrate the Little Spirits in Our Lives!

I’m not really into morbid stuff, though through age 22, I was an intensely addicted, horror film junkie. One night I was driving home, afraid of being attacked by zombies on a creepily empty road, when I realized there was something seriously wrong with me. Knowing I was much too imaginative to be driving like that, I put a halt to most of the scary movies, but I still love old cemeteries. I’m curious about the people and the stories, and relationships, and lives of those who were so “beloved”. This past summer, I was once again in a cemetery, taking pictures, wondering about the people who buried these “little spirits”. It was of course a pet cemetery, and it was a really…Read More

Writerly Wednesdays: Needs Vs. Goals in Character Development

on October 28, 2015

The difference between a character's need and a character's goal.

Other writers and teachers may differ, but this how I explain it. A need is an internal, emotional driving force for a character, inherent to who they are. A goal is a short term, outward objective that drives the action, and in best of stories, is linked tightly to the character’s inner need. A character “need” is something that is part of who the character is in life – the thing that defines their purpose. Even when I study my family and friends, I can see how all their decisions are driven by that need, and through that filter. It’s not necessarily the only filter, but as an individual, there is usually a very strong one for each of us. In my last…Read More

Writerly Wednesdays: 5 Tips for Writing Memorable Characters

on October 21, 2015

5 Tips to Write a More Compelling and Memorable Character Are you wondering why your character is not quite standing on her own or driving the plot forward? Have a look at these quick writing tips to see if you can revitalize a weak character and give him or her something worth fighting for! Give them a human need that they require above all things to be happy in life. This might be something like having a purpose or being completely free to do as they want. Perhaps it’s acceptance, belonging, or knowing they are respected or honored. Sometimes it is to protect, or serve justice, or know the truth. Rarely is someone’s ultimate need to be loved. But it might…Read More